Our Courses


All Levels • 4 Week Course • 60 min sessions

Introduction to Mindfulness

Designed for individuals with little or no prior experience with mindfulness. The session focuses introducing the concept and gradually building an awareness of the body through applied practice in an effort to firmly ground the attention in the presence of physical sensations. Common benefits are a better understanding of the practice of mindfulness and being able to "rest in the moment” along with a greater sense of calm and ease of mind.


All Levels • 4 Week Course • 60 min sessions

Fundamentals of Meditation

This workshop presents a clear overview of how to use the breath as a primary means for anchoring the mind into the present. Through a basic analysis of the breath and its components, participants will be invited to examine the various sensations that accompany the breath and explore the relationship of the mind to these sensations. The session is intended to provide the simple blueprint that can serve as the first step to starting a regular personal meditation practice.

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All Levels • 4 Week Course • 60 min sessions

Mindfulness Based Stress Management

This workshop aims to redefine commonly held beliefs we have about stress and offer an invitation to explore it through a radically different perspective. Through the systematic yet non-judgmental observation of thoughts and their interplay with the body this workshop will go deeper in uncovering thought patterns that commonly give rise to stress in our everyday lives.

Applying mindfulness techniques to identify these thought patterns we will learn how to apply various practices to help reduce compulsive thinking and other stress provoking habits.


All Levels • 4 Week Course • 60 min sessions

Digital Detox

In this workshop we will be delving more deeply into our personal relationship with technology and our digital habits that arise from it. We will uncover the "hidden" motives and unconscious feelings that often drive compulsive behavior and investigate how mindfulness can help shine a light on how we relate to these underlying tendencies.

Using tailored meditative techniques we will aim to develop a toolkit of responses and proactive tactics that can help us become more aware of our daily habits and illuminate our interactions with digital technologies in order to create a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.


All Levels • 4 Week Course • 60 min sessions

Emotional Intelligence

This course is designed to give attendees the tools to better understand and manage their emotions & inner resources and thereby gain more control over their actions and words, personally and professionally. 

Key applications:

1) improving self awareness by bringing focused attention to the dynamics that shape our thoughts and actions.

2) Using mindfulness to hone our ability to stay truly in the moment and develop better control of our center of attention.

3) Learning how to check into our internal resources and read bodily signs in order to be able to manage our wellbeing more effectively.